
A Gift from an Employer to Employee

 When we  apply for jobs we are unaware what's in store for us, we have lots of questions on how will this turn and how will we fare and so on so forth. We start our job and then we move on. And then when we join we do our jobs as per the requirement, sometimes our requirement sometimes the organization way of work.  But in between this when we are given incentives of working, we feel privilege .I mean who doesn't  why I am saying this and what is this all about? Ok! So I am working in organization and we had 2 days training for us. But yeah, it was on a weekend,  and I don't like working on weekend expect working for my personal passion that is ( Priaa soaps) I Twill talk about this later sure. So we had the EDUTECH-( google) training and it was so good actually I felt good and had many learnings as a takeaway from here. The way it was professionally arranged and sorted made me so good about the privilege that I have had. Felt wonderful! I called it a GIFT. See you soon! S